In 1956, when Dr. K.G. Easo was only 12 year old, he went to nearby market to buy fish and vegetables for his home. There he was privileged to listen about Jesus Christ through an open air preaching by a missionary. He accepted Jesus as his Savior. The preacher was telling that he had no bus to go back to his home town and if anyone is interested, he can stay with them that vary night. But nobody invited him. Brother Easo met the missionary and requested him to come and preach at his home. The Lord gave him a burden and vision for the lost on the same day of his salvation. He organized a small meeting at his home by inviting 30 people and the same preacher shared the Gospel. His emotions intensified as he watched 20 of his friends and neighbors surrender their hearts to the Savior. Thus he started the ministry of Soul Winning at his native village, Mavelikara, in Kerala State of India in 1956.
After engineering education from Kerala he went to Madhya Pradesh (North India) in 1965 to work with the State Irrigation Department, but he could not find a single Christian out of 4,562 villages of his working area. That touched his heart, he prayed to God that he doesn’t know any North Indian languages, having no money, has no personality, so he was willing to go back to Kerala, which is 2500 kilometers away from there. But the Holy Spirit told him that he has to work there for the Lord. Then he bought the Gospel and Christian Literature from his first pay check and began to distribute them to his friends, neighbors, streets and villagers. God enabled him to save many people through his personal evangelism (like visiting homes, friends, fasting prayer, preaching the Gospel, praying for sick, helping needy people, etc.).
He got married to Annamma in 1972, she also started working in the Government Irrigation Department. Annamma is so dedicated for the Gospel, she only eat one meal a day and fast and pray for the perishing souls. They began to use their money for the Gospel work. God blessed them with 3 sons (Daniel, Shaju and Santhosh).
In September 1989, K.G. Easo had a scooter (motor-bike) accident which left his hand badly mangled. The doctors wanted to amputate but K.G. refused and took this injury to Jesus. During the next 5 months he was on bed and prayed to God that he wanted 2 full hands, during this time he wrote a tract named Muft ilaz (free treatment ). He promised to God that if God will give him 2 full hands he will tell about Jesus in all the 5000 apartments where he was living. A widow lady visited him and began to prophesy to him that God is going to use him for a big mission work and she helped him by giving money to print this tract. God heard his prayers and healed him with 2 full hands, as he promised to God he visited 5000 apartments with this Gospel. Only one man accepted Jesus as His Savior, and he became the first missionary of Soul Winners India ministry. Brother Easo asked his son to give his cycle to this man and bought some grocery to his family. They began to start the village evangelism. When they reached at the 30th village, again another 80 year old widow lady, who accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and healer, gave money for buying a bicycle and printing more tracts. Thus ministry of Soul Winners India started with the help of 2 widows in 1992.
When Dr. K.G. Easo was promoted to Glory in 2016, their youngest son Santhosh Easo then assumed the leadership as president in India, and continues to win souls in India and South Asia. The couple’s eldest son, Daniel Easo, serves as President of SOUL WINNERS INDIA in the United States and represents SOUL WINNERS INDIA throughout the world. Their second son, Shaju Easo leads the Children Ministries Department of Soul Winners India (Orphanages, Children Schools, etc.), He also supports the ministry by visiting Churches and raising funds in United States for the work in India.
God had placed His hand upon Dr. K.G. Easo, and had used him in phenomenal ways throughout the 50 years of his ministry. He was a powerful Christian witness to the entire community. His ministry and influence extended widely over India and in certain other parts of South Asia. He was a man with a vision for the unevangelized and lost. The Lord raised him up as a pioneer to bring the message of the gospel to the people in unreached villages.
Soul Winners India missionaries have reached thousands of villages of 26 different states of India and Nepal and Bhutan. SWI has planted more than 2500 home churches, trained more than 1000 Bible School students from our Bible Schools at Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. SWI Orphanages provide care to around 100 children. SWI also run a High School in Madhya Pradesh. At present more than 500 evangelists are working with Soul Winners India.