Do you want to advocate for the millions in India who need Jesus, and who need compassionate help?
You can educate friends, small groups, churches or community groups about India’s physical and spiritual needs as well as provide opportunities for partnerships with SWI.
What can you do as an Advocate?
- Pray for the ministry of SWI and the people of India
- Cast vision for the Great Commission, and educate others about it
- Follow-up with current SWI supporters at your church
- Share with pastors about SWI
- Share with small groups about SWI
- Share with children’s Sunday school classes about SWI
- Represent SWI at any conference, missions fair or Perspectives Class
- Host a missions prayer meeting focused on the work of SWI
- Invite friends to be Prayer Partners for SWI
- Invite friends to participate in sponsorship
On behalf of SWI team and the hundreds of Christian workers who work with SWI, thank you! Your involvement in spreading the vision will prayerfully result in many people finding Christ and finding hope.
If you have additional questions about advocating for SWI and spreading the vision, contact us by email or phone.