Church Building

$3000 (for a village Church)
Church Building
What does church mean to you? For most of us, going to church is a weekly or bi-weekly experience that offers a chance to fellowship with friends as well as sing, pray or listen to instruction. That church building we visit is a home that establishes a rhythm in our lives and faith. That’s how church is defined by many in the United States.
In South Asian countries, it is so much more. A church building has doors that almost never close. It is not just a house of worship; in many cases, it is also a childcare center, a place for adult and child education, the home for community gatherings and meetings, a feeding center, a shelter for the lost and abused, and a beacon for Christ in places where many never heard the name of Jesus. It is a house of worship that is used almost every day of the year and for many hours each day.
With that in mind, you might be able to imagine how much it means to New Christians in developing countries to have a place to come together to pray, praise and worship. Many have never worshipped in a dedicated building. Their services have been under trees, along the side of roads or inside homes. Thus, a church building is more than a symbol to them; it is an answered prayer and the foundation for a family of believers to build a work that can lead others to salvation and to a better, more fulfilling life.
SWI has built many churches over the years. In these structures, countless souls and lives have been transformed. Join with SWI today to either construct or complete churches in south Asian countries. Help us give congregations a chance to move into a permanent structure. This is the perfect mission program for congregations, Bible study groups, Sunday school classes, business or families.
The church you help construct today will touch generations for eternity.