Christmas is one of the most wonderful times of the year. We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the materialism of the holidays. This year, we challenge you to consider investing in a gift that will leave an eternal impact on one of our brothers or sisters in south Asia.

At Soul Winners India, we are blessed to serve God by reaching out to the lost, hungry, poor, suffering, and forsaken in the name of Jesus Christ and by sharing with them the Gift of God, eternal salvation through Jesus Christ.

This Christmas, SWI is involved in several Christmas projects to spread His joy to people in South Asia. It is a privilege to offer these gift options to you and invite you to partner with us. We are happy to provide an opportunity for a very meaningful gift-giving experience as we try to find ways to express our love and appreciation for one another. Exchanging gifts is one way to do that, however, each year people spend billions of dollars giving and receiving material gifts that often go unused and rarely affect God’s kingdom.

We are pleased that Soul Winners India can provide an opportunity to give a gift that will truly have immeasurable value for the kingdom. What’s important is that it would benefit someone who is in need and deserving. More than anything else, it will honor God and bring glory to Jesus Christ.

The best gift one can give is the opportunity to touch a life. You will be giving that gift. It will bring you the assurance that help has reached someone who has been waiting. Your gift will be like a lifeline extended to someone who is struggling and desperately hoping for that break.

What may seem like a small gift to you can make an eternal difference in the life of someone in need. As you put together your Christmas shopping list this year, we hope that you will consider giving to a believer, child, or pastor in need. Thank you for your continued care for our brothers and sisters!

We wish you God’s very best as you celebrate the joys and blessings of the occasion.